8 495 281 40 91 Москва
8 800 333 82 05 Бесплатно по РФ

Engineering researches

Our company is ready to offer you the activity on engineering researches of any level of complexity.

Engineering-environmental researches for construction are carried out by Ecostandard Consulting for assessment of the present condition and the forecast of possible environmental changes under the influence of anthropogenesis loading. Result of the environmental researches carried out by our Company is a detailed report indicating possible consequences of construction and detailed recommendations on their minimization and elimination, and also necessity of moving the construction site if needed. The report on the researches is to be coordinated in the territorial department of RosPotrebNadzor.

Ecological researches of Ecostandard Consulting is a guarantee of high quality of works, confirmed by the wide practical experience and appreciative responses of the companies-clients.

Engineering geology and engineering-geological researches are researches providing study of engineering-geological conditions of the future construction area (object, platform, site, and route) including relief, seismotectonic, geo-morphological and hydro-geological processes, geological structure and preparation of the forecast of possible changes of engineering-geological conditions at interaction of the given objects with the geological environment.

Industrial water well drilling (rotor drilling - artesian wells) for the centralized water supply of industrial objects, city microdistricts, horticultural societies, cottage settlements, other objects of collective, industrial independent water supply including water supply points.

Engineering geodesy and engineering-geodesic researches are carried out at the area or territory of the object construction. Topographical shooting is carried out to identify precise location coordinates of the future construction, and also for topographic-geodesic materials and data on the area relief.

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